Saturday, November 8, 2008

An Early Day.....

As my family well knows I have never been a morning person!! It's amazing how this has all changed in the past few months! I have learned to love the morning time, once I have managed to get out of bed! A typical working day for me means getting up around 3:00 am! I took these pictures this morning when we had a light load from Chicago to Pittsburg. I'm loving the sunrises, especially in the sky!

God's amazing work, you feel like you can walk on the clouds!
A peek at my new work space!
(most people were asleep and never even knew I took this picture)
The passenger load was low, only 21 pasengers!


Draper Family said...

Hi Kathy,
We just returned from our Caribbean Cruise (we went with the Risenhoovers) which we flew Delta Airlines (Southwest didn't have a flight) from San Fran to Fort Lauderdale where we set sail. I have to tell you....Southwest is the BEST! Delta got us home safe...thank you Jesus, but service and cleanliness left much to be desired.

I enjoy seeing the pictures of the sights you've seen on the east coast. The colors are amazing. Thanks for sharing!


Draper Family said...
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beckiem said...

Just checking in - like I do once in a while --CONGRATULATIONS!!
So fun that you're blogging your journey for everyone to share.... almost makes me want to do it too ---NOT!
LOVE the fall pics -- I grew up in SE Pennsylvaia -- nothing like fall back east, as you know.

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