Friday, November 14, 2008

A Close-up Of My Wings

I'm back in St. Louis Mo. again tonight. I couldn't find any new pictures to send when I went for my walk. Most of the fall leaves are gone.............just waiting for snow now, which we are getting in most places on the East Coast this week! I was ironing my clothes for work in the morning and thought I would share a picture of my "prized" WINGS! You can only imagine how proud I am to wear them. I have two, one for shirts or sweaters and one I wear on my blazer. I wear them next to my heart!
Thanks for all of the wonderful responses from friends and family, I look forward to reading them. You are all so very dear to me............thanks for all of the encouragement!


Brian and Angela said...

You wear those proudly! You have given a lot to all of us over the years. It just thrills us to see you happy and loving life. Although we miss you like crazy it is refreshing to see such a youthful mom again. We are so very proud of you! Can't wait to see you soon.
Love lots,

loren warta said...

Hey there gorgeous,thank you for sharing your advenures with us.I look forward to reading them everyday ,your childlike excitement is contagious,and the pictures make it seem more real.I,m as proud of your wings as you are to wear them! We are all praying for you daily ,LOVE,always ME.

Proudfoot Family said...

You should be very proud of those wings. You earned them and we couldn't be prouder of you for all your work. We are looking forward to your first trip out our way. Just dress warm, we have snow on the ground this morning :)We love you.

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