Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wedding Preparations

The days before the wedding were quite busy...........we would have never made it without every one's help. The forest fires were raging all around us, so not only was it your typical summer heat, the air quality was pretty bad too. One good thing was, we knew it would make for great gave the appearance of being overcast.

Loren was the official lantern hanger.........the women told him where they should be, got to be quite interesting at times!!

32 tables, made for alot of work......

We always had babies everywhere.........loved it, so glad to have all of my family home for awhile!

A typical scene, one worker........two bosses!!

Keagan had the right idea.....we often had him haul things around on his quad!

Way to go Keagan..........

How do you tell if a sign is straight on a Oak Tree?

or a window on a Oak Tree.......that poor tree after Loren was finished with the drill!!

My dear friend Mary adding more yellow to the front of the house

It's starting to look like a wedding!

Now all we need is the guests!

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