Sunday, January 25, 2009

Celebrating New Friendships

It was almost one year ago to the day that I walked in the room where I was going to have a group interview with Southwest Airlines. I don't know if I've ever been so nervous! About 13 of us found seats around a large conference table..............everyone looking equally nervous. In a matter of minutes I had struck up a conversation with the sweet lady next to me, Sharon Stout was her name. Little did we know then, that we would be the only two that would complete the training and go on to fulfill both of our lifelong dreams, a flight attendant!! We not only hugged each other with joy when we realized that we had made it, we soon learned to cling to each other throughout the intense training. After training I was sent to Baltimore, Maryland and Sharon was sent to Chicago Illinois. Once again much to our surprise a month later our paths would cross..........this would be when we both realized that we would be based in Oakland Calif. together! We have enjoyed sharing a hotel room along with fellow classmate, Vickie Ross on weekends as we are on Ready Reserve Standby. Last weekend Sharon and I were assigned a trip together to Albuquerque, New was on January 17th, almost a year to the date that we meet! We were so excited as we realized that between the two of us, we now were responsible for 2/3 of the plane! We had no idea what God had in store for us on that first day. What an amazing journey it has been.
This picture was taken by the 3rd flight attendant on our flight to Albuquerque, New Mexico.


Brian and Angela said...

I am so happy for you and the friendships you have made throughout this whole process. It was so GOOD to hear from you over the weekened. Thanks for calling. Hope to see you this week.

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

Where would we be without friends? Great to see that you're making new ones and staying in touch with the old ones.

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