Nana had a few days off when she took Mya home so she was able to stay for a quick visit.

Nana called Papa to let him know that she and
Mya arrived in New York safely. Emily enjoyed listening to Papa.

Nana was able to read a bed time story.

Emily talked daddy into just one more.......

Every little girl loves to put on dress-ups when she has an audience!

Matt & Jaime have two very special neighbors, Mr. Ralph & Coletta............
Mya & Emily just adore them!

Emily is trying to make a phone call while helping Nana make Sugar Cookies.

Matt makes the
BEST BBQ Pizza!! They
always make me feel
sooooo special when I come to visit................thanks!

Nana couldn't keep up with all of the little hands!!!! We had some very interesting shapes!

A sugar cookie
must have sprinkles!

Yes, they were

Are we trying to look alike? Nana is just trying to keep Emily from giving my playing c
ards away!! She loved to tell everyone Nana had the sheep!! I think she was spying for her daddy!

Uncle Cody spent a week in Ohio with Sarah, Joe & Zeke. He flew into New York the day Nana was there. He plans on spending a week or two with them in New York. Uncles are
always so much fun!

Matt & Jaime's house

We stopped by Mr. Ralph & Coletta's house as we headed out for our evening walk.
Mya couldn't wait to see them. They have lived in this house since 1955. The house was 73 yrs old when they
purchased it. Mr. Ralph & Coletta's helped their son build Matt & Jaime's house.

This is Mr. Ralph & Coletta's 100 yr. old barn............I love the history
every were you go!

It's time to feed the fish in Mr. Ralph's pond.........

................ they loved it, and so did Emily!

Mr. Ralph is showing Emily the fish and frogs!

I couldn't resist this tells all!

Here's the frog..............Nana seemed to be the only one to catch it, a picture that is!!

Still looking for the frog.............I kept wondering who was going to fall in first!

Mr Ralph bought
Mya a fishing pole at
Wal-Mart. It was even in her favorite color, purple! He was so proud of it!


Mr Ralph chisels animals our of wood. He gave Cody and I each one. Coletta is explaining to Cody how he does it and where he dates each one.

After our visit, we continued on our walk...........this road is right behind Matt & Jaime's house.........the countryside is breathtaking!

I LOVE this picture!!!

It's time to head home, put little ones in bed, wait for the fireflies to come out, then continue playing another game of Settlers!

Thanks Matt & Jaime, you always make me feel special when I come to visit! I'm looking forward to our next visit...........this time we'll have to show Dad how to play!
Nana Warta
1 comment:
I love all the pictures! You really captured the "moments". It is so wonderful having you here! We're anxiously awaiting the next trip. Still enjoying those yummy cookies! What a fun time.
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