It's hard to believe that summer has come to an end and it's time for everyone to head back to school. I took a few days off so I could once again enjoy taking Cody to and from school. This time of the year always brings back so many wonderful memories............after school had started and I returned home the house had that quite, lonely feeling. I've felt it for 28 yrs. now on the first day of school! I had fun going through some old pictures and reminiscing, thought I would share some of it..........

Cody is now a sophmore

Stand here Cody, she wants another picture!

A little sleepy eyed!

Sarah's Senior year

Brian's senior year and Ashlie's kindergarten


Hurry up, mom!

Are we excited about school, or wishing mom would get the pictures done?

Great hairdoos!

I think I know what color was popular that year!

Yes, vacation was in Disneyland!

Smiles.........we're off to a good start!

Did I really let them ride their bikes?

Okay.....I enlarged the picture and it looks like Brian's lunch pail was "Fall Guy"? Sarah was difinatly "Holly Hobbie".

Sarah's first day of kindergarten..........Strawberry Shortcake, and Smurf lunchpails...........oh ya, the Smurf belt buckle!
1 comment:
The kids and I laughed and laughed. Its always fun to poke fun at your parents when they were your age. Great pictures!
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