Jaime and Mya flew to California to attend Jaime's sister, Sandra's wedding. Jaime returned to New York and Grandma Brenda, Auntie Angie and Nana & Papa Warta took turns sharing Mya for a week. What fun we all had!

Sharing yogurt at Nana's favorite place, California Yogurt.
Mya loved throwing Penny's into the fountain and making wishes.
Mya loved the new playroom, sometimes it was like her own private "movie theatre".
Of course
Mya had to pick tomatoes in Papa's
tomatoe garden!
tomatoe and flower garden he planted for Nana
Nana had a "little
cousin's" play day. Nana enjoyed watching the
grandkids play many of the long forgotten, simple, lazy summer day, games such as............stroller races, (along with eating Nana's
chocolate chip cookies)
racing cars and trucks down the ramp on Nana & Papa's front porch
.....................playing, Ring A Round The Rossie
...............running through the sprinkler's
..........holding hands while you run
..........then maybe NOT running
thought the sprinklers, way too cold, but looking like a little bathing beauty!
.............playing house!
Landon made a great Dad!
Mya made sure the the (very old) phone was answered on
Then there was the endless old Barbies that once belonged to the "Aunties"
Then when you get a little bored you can
always take the legs off of a Daddy Long Leg Spider.........Bethany, you truly grossed Landon out!
..............then it was time for that good old fashioned
...........cousin's share everything!
That night after the cousins all left,
Mya had Nana & Papa to herself for a nice BBQ on the patio!
Bath time & foamy soap before bed!
Then a very tired little girl fell fast asleep in a very BIG bed, thanks to Auntie Kate being away at college.
Up bright & early, (remember this is a New Yorker), time for breakfast in the playroom, on your own "
Tinkerbell" plate watching your favorite VHS movie..........only at Nana & Papa's house!
Once again we enjoyed the simple things...............blowing bubbles can be lots of fun!
play dough is always a favorite!

Before we knew it, it was time to take a tired little princess on that long plane ride home to New York. The sunrise shows how early it was.............we started the day by leaving Nana & Papa's house @ 4:30 am.
Of course for a New Yorker that is only 7:30 am!
We took lots of things to keep 4 yr
old busy!

.............including video's!

.............a little nap along the way
Mya's favorite was going on the moving sidewalk when we had to change airplanes at the airports. She would always lead the way!

Mya was very
observant, full of questions!

Another rest on the last leg home..................what was a very long day! We left @ 4:30 am and arrived at 6:45 pm.........not sure who was more tired
Mya or Nana. I didn't know a 4 yr old could ask so many questions!
Mya doesn't have a shy bone in her body when it comes to talking to adults...........I wouldn't have to worry about carrying on the
conversations, she took care of it for me..........she was loved by all!
Mya & Nana bought the toy Southwest airplane in Chicago,
Mya was quite upset when she realized the wings didn't have the proper wingtips on the ends......I told her that meant it was a "Gas Hog"!

A very tender moment for Nana...........watching her son and

...................yes she was glad to see Daddy!
Mya thanks for coming to visit us, we're already looking forward to your next visit!!
Nana Warta
Mom, I can't tell you how much it meant to see all these pictures. I was missing her so much, but what a wonderful (and busy) time she had. She is a very blessed little girl! What a life! I am so happy to view a part of the memories that were made while she stayed behind. We may have to make this a yearly thing. We're still hearing stories! Love you tons!
It was so much fun to see all the cousins together having the time of their lives at your house.
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