Another fun little perk of working for Southwest Airlines...............when I go to pick up anyone at the airport I can go directly to the gate and wait for I'm anxiously waiting for a little tow headed boy to appear.........

................and he actually recognizes me and is glad to see me!

This is how mom & dad look after a 1hr. flight, layover and then 5 hr. flight! Zeke is still in his P.J' & dad wish they were in theirs!

Time to spiff up in the bathroom before heading to the car...............
........and this what little boys do who have been confined to an airplane for way tooo long!
Papa and Nana have a very cool playroom............including a uncle who has his nephew's undivided attention!

Auntie Ashlie was enjoying a getting acquainted moment with Zeke until mom walked into the room...............all we could figure out is that at that point he was really confused because Auntie Ashlie looked so much like his mommy............when mommy walked into the room he looked at both of them and burst into tears!...................a little to scary!

The girls quickly started sharing coupon saving secrets!

Zeke helping Papa pick tomatoes

Homecomings are a good time for BBQ's

Mom's always making everyone pose for a picture!

Auntie Ashlie entertains...........

Papa helps everyone roll down the driveway on the "favorite" tractor!
The girls table.
Getting ready for the day!
Time to brush those teeth.
Uncle Cody helping Zeke to play the piano.
Gotta love the smile.............
Posing for the picture to put on his 2nd birthday cake.

Always got to help Nana make "Chocolate Chip" cookies!

The traditional "Night, Night Airplane Ride"

Nana look at my tattoo''s Mater and Mac!

Is this all for me?

Papa buys Zeke his first Bow & Arrow!

Jamie was here for her sister Sandra wedding.

Zeke thought that Keagan was the coolest Big cousin!

Blowing party favors

The girls played with the dress-ups..............

while the boys played gun fights.

You wouldn't shoot me, would you?
Then came the water-gun fights..............
Your safe if your in Daddy's arms!
..............that quickly got out of control
................and turned into a water bucket fight!

Let's try this picture thing hard to get everyone to sit still!

WE MADE IT!!!!! All grandkids except Emily...........we missed you Emily!

A couple of Nana's girls.

Sarah and her daddy hung this tree swing when she was in the 4th grade! It has been a kid favorite for almost 22 yrs. now. Sad to say the branch is diseased and now the swing must come down.............hard for the kids to understand.............they've had some creative ideas on how we could fix it, but looks like it will still have to come down!

A picture for the memory book! Zeke won't have the fun memories Sarah had on the "Tree Swing"!

Papa teaches Zeke the tricks of the trade.

Let er go.................

then go get it!

Sad good-byes...........

What a fun week we had! The hard part was saying good-bye at the airport and getting back in the car...........the car seat was empty, the Wee Little Praiser's was still playing in the C.D. home in the kitchen sink sat the leftover breakfast that Zeke didn't finish, open up the dryer and I find a little sock, finger prints on the bathroom mirror and TV.........those things that I would have quickly taken care of when it was my children at home growing up.............but as a grandparent you CHERISH those fingerprints and decide not to clean them just yet.........maybe later, too precious to wipe away............and you start counting the days till everyone is home again!
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