Jaime has become quite the photographer............she hopes to start a business soon and by the looks of these pictures you can tell she isn't going to have any trouble keeping busy! Thanks Jaime for taking the time to photograph this Monster of a group!!

Jaime & Emily

Trying to get organized.............half the battle
ummmmmmmm, where do I stand? You have a Fireman, Pastor, Power Plant Operator, soon to be Dr., 2 college students, moms, nana & papa...........and not ONE person can figure this out!!

Ok, I'll just carry her.........does this work?


Careful...........no spills allowed..........papa's hankie always comes in handy!



yes, moments...........

do I really have to put my arm on her?


Yes, family pictures get difficult when there is more than a few...........
Keagan, Keldon loved your hair!!

Are there butterflies?

Waiting..................is it time yet?

Yes, it was worth it! Great picture Matt & Ashlie

Andrew & Kate

Uncle Cody

Andrew & Kate

Jaime, Mya & Emily.................missing their husband and daddy!

Zeke with his mommy and daddy

Sisters...........my sweet daughters!

Wow, how did we grow to a family of 23?

Mom, Dad and the two babies still at home....................

The Gang............minus Matt...........bittersweet!

The adult kidds, minus Matt

Our kids ........minus Matt

Brothers..............my boys, ............minus Matt
Oh, how we missed you Matt!

Papa, Nana and all of the Grandest Babies!!

Brian, Angela, Hailey, Keagan, Bethan & Kelden

Brian & Angela

Joe & Sarah

Tim, Casey, Landon & Claire

Casey & Tim
Thanks everyone............I'll cherish these pictures for a long long time!! They will be flying with me all over the country...........you have no idea how many people will be seeing them :)
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