Sunday, August 15, 2010

Be Sure To Check Older Posts!

Be sure to scroll down thru the older posts............I actually have 6 seprate entrys.........sorry, we took tons of pictures and this is how we journal everything! Hope you enjoy!

Cabin Memories

Here we go............tons, & tons of pictures..........all full of so many special memories! What a very special time! Matt Warta had a job change just 2 weeks prior to our cabin vacation and was not able to make the adjustments to come to California with Jaime, Mya and Emily. The time was soooo bittersweet! We all loved seeing each other and catching up, but there was always an empty spot..........Matt we missed you so much. Several times throughout the stay, there was a void........ wishing he was there with us! The laughter just wasn't the same...........
Matt ALL missed you!!

Rub-a-dub-dub............4 girls in a tub :)

3 boys in a tub?.............not quite, Keagan opted out of that one!

Meal times were always fun..........

Kiddo's in bed upstairs.........time for games on the lowest level.........
hoping laughter will NOT wake them!

Lots of R&R

Always a story just before bed

P.J.'s and laughter............

Day and NIGHT........the swings were always being used :)

Papa is a great BBQ er!!

Prayer before a meal

Kelden found Uncle Cody's locks to be irresistible............I think Brian loved picking on his younger brother even more

Sometimes it's easier to carry 2 @ a time..........Uncle Tim filled in the gap for little Emily while her daddy was gone.

Lots of fishing!
Don't' you just love those beautiful wood floors!!

Hard to believe the water was still so high for August............not much of a shore line!

Kelden, are u feeling like the middle of a sandwich?

Mya helping Papa with the corn

Joe and Zeke ready to row

Claire sun bathing

Cousins are the best!


Ye Ha! Zeke's favorite!

Always a line wait for one of many swings.............never a dull moment for the adults, especially the dads!

Uncle Joe & Keagan skimming rocks


Auntie Kate
Tim & Landon, going for some father/son time..........

Cousins will always make you laugh!

It's nice having older cousins.............great job Hailey!


Priceless memories............I have a picture just like this one except it was one of our first years at the cabin............Kate was sitting where Emily is and about the same age as Emily..........Ashlie was in her same spot..................just a tad bit younger!!

Sarah, your son's beating you!

Yee Ha! Only a father can throw a son this high!! You did a great job getting this picture of Joe & Zeke, Cody...........we have so many talented photographers in our family.............someone always has a camera. peaceful! it cool enough yet?

Some families like Disneyland.................ours thinks THE CABIN is the BEST!!!

Home away from Home!!

Warta Spatula Award Bake-Off

This year for our annual family "Warta Spatula Award" we decided to have a Pizza Bake-Off! All Pizza's were made on the same night.............
All day long couples were sneaking around starting on what they thought would be THEIR award winning Pizza!
I like the way Cody chose to do the one made by Dad, Cody and myself..............walk through the grocery store...........throw in the basket anything that looks and sounds good!! Our Pizza was AMAZING!!
Caught by the camera!!
Is that BBQ sauce Jaime?
In the living room Andrew & Kate? Oh please.!!.........
Now the bedroom?...............I guess if your putting marshmallows on a PIZZA? would have to hide in the bedroom!!
Are we really making Pizza? must be BBQ chicken going on the top!

Wa la! Sarah & Joe's Taco Pizza on the left..............
Matt & Ashlie's Chipotle Chicken on the right.

Cody, Mom & Dad's Southwest (Southwest.......get it :) Artichoke Pizza .............spare pizza on the right................

OK, I just realized that the "Dessert Pizza" pictures and Jaime's pizza pictures didn't get downloaded...............sorry guys, don't take it personal, but you know how difficult it would be to add them to this blog site this late in the game????? So if you really want to see them go to ..............Jaime posted great pictures!!

The Vote............all ages above 3 yrs voted................

Then their was the re-vote...........a tie by one vote!!!

The Winners!! Taco Pizza by Sarah & Joe..............
Winners receive a $50 Gift Card for dinner and their name on our family plaque..........oops we forgot to bring the will be shipped to Joe & Sarah with their name and date added to it and they MUST display it in their home until next year!!

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