What a fun Easter we had this year..........I was really grateful when my work schedule came out at the first of the month and I realized that I was off for Easter!! So, after an early morning time of worship @ church, the kids and grandkids all came over for dinner and Easter an egg hunt. The weather was incredibly COLD and RAIN in the afternoon but the rest of the day was relaxing and a joy to spend time together as a family!

Yes, even at their age...........if you still live @ home, we have to have Easter pictures! I know, I know, my kids all have wonderful memories of this event every year (NOT)!

Our babies.........(at least in Loren and my eye's)

The family, plus
Katelynne's boyfriend ......Andrew

Great smiles........

The Easter Bunnies...............

are busy @ work!

Good one, Auntie Kate!

Yes, Andrew...........I think it will fit!

On Easter Sunday I always enjoy being able to bring back special memories, by using the old sterling silver that my mom used while I was growing up...........then a few years ago I was able to complete the dish set that my parents received for a wedding gift...........it looks great in the springtime. While I was placing the dishes on the table I did the math and realized that the dishes are at least 58 yrs. old! Needless to say they were only placed on the adult table and everyone had strict instructions to bring them to me to be,
hand washed!

A fun table for the kiddo's


O.K., it's time for the Big hunt!

Listening to the rules in the freezing cold..........poor girls!

....................and away they go!
Keagan found one!

They look like they are in line for the
firing squad...........really they're
hoping the kids find the eggs right away...........way
tooooo cold!

Hailey on the hunt!

Claire Bear found one!

Bethany.......trying to decide who made this one!

............and then the rain began!

Looking through the loot!

Sharing the wealth!

Uncle Cody.........setting up the race track in the playroom..........thanks, Uncle Cody!
Kelden......flirting with Nana

Time to play games........

and always time to play house!

Spinning the tops..................

and then time for snuggles with Papa!
What a wonderful day it was...............glad to have family time.................so glad to have the freedom to celebrate our Saviors Resurrection, the only reason for Easter!
Looks like TONS of fun! Guess I need to get our Easter pictures up too. Just not one of the top priorities in the stuff we're doing now. Gotta get ready for the arrival of our chicks! Thanks for all the photos. We miss having the wonderful meal you set up for at each special day. Maybe we can join you soon. That would be so nice!~Jaime
Looks like fun in spite of the rain. Andrew is cute Katelynne!
Thanks for posting us mom. I think wore Matt out reminding him what you guys were doing at every hour of the day. We really missed seeing you guys, and reeeally missed my favorite meal! I love seeing the pictures though, it makes me feel so much closer. Love you!
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