A couple of weeks ago, Joe went to Honduras on a mission trip for 2 weeks. Sarah & Zeke asked Nana to come spend some time with them ...........so off I went. We had a wonderful time......... relaxing, shopping and laughing into the wee hours of the night. I planned on staying for 2 days, but the morning I left after traveling back to the airport for an hour, I decided I just couldn't leave yet..........so I turned the car around and went back to stay for 2 more days.........we had a great time!
Zeke's favorite...........french fries @ McDonald's
Shopping with a 2yr. old..............or just plan old trying to keep up!
Dressing in the dressing room so Zeke could have his picture taken
Ahhhh yes, time for pictures!

Any guy can have their picture taken if they have a HARLEY!
Nana & Me
Oh boy, the sun's out........let's go play!
Well the sun's out.........but there's still snow on the ground!
California has mud puddles..........Ohio has snow puddles.........every 2 yr. old loves to run through them!
Look Nana............snow prints!
Beautiful picture Zeke!
OK Nana, where's my coat?
OK mom, so I know all of the summer toy's are in the shed................but now we have to dig them out because the ground is frozen and we can't open the door................soooooo frustrating!!
OK.........maybe it's not as easy as it looks...............I guess we'll have to wait until the ground either thaws, or until daddy comes home from his mission trip grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............do you know how hard that is when you know what is on the other side of the door!!!!
At least some things can come up through frozen ground................SPRING FLOWERS!!!!
If Nana holds the door open a little, mommy can reach her hand inside and grab one summer toy...................but then the sand on the ground is FROZEN!!! Oh bother!!!
Ahhhh yes, there's bubbles.........that has nothing to do with the ground! COOL!
Nothing to do with the ground, but did you know that you can't blow BIG bubbles in cold weather?!?!
Hang on to me mom..........I blowing so hard I'm getting dizzy!!!
Oh great!!!! Thomas the train needs a new battery and Dad's STILL not home!
That's OK dad..............I got you covered............remember, we agreed.........
OK, now it's time to make cupcakes with Nana.........
What's a boy gonna do?
I'm the man of the house until you come home..........
I'm taking good care of Mommy and Nana!!
These pictures are priceless! I am sure you girls enjoyed having eachother's company after being apart, and I am sure sarah appreciated having your help mom!
Zeke you are a wonderful man of the house, I know your daddy is sooo proud of you! What a handsome young man you are growing up to be!
I just love how pictures instantly connect us all again. Miss you guys.
Love your blog photo. Blast from the past! Tim was lovin it....
Zeke is growing up fast. He's ready for spring and his daddy to come home.
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