Happy Fathers Day to one of the most selfless husband, father and papa I know.
Here's a glance at the past 35yrs.

Camping is something Loren has always loved to do, especially with his family.

He has always been a dad ready to jump in and help. So many of these pictures I remember taking like it was yesterday! Here is daddy feeding Brian carrots.

Daddy and Brian
raking leaves when we lived on
Redburn Ave.

Brian use to walk around on daddy's shoulders while he did things outside.

Brian helping daddy in one of the first gardens we had.

Brian, Sarah and Dad on a snow trip.

When I look at this picture, I wonder what we were thinking.........how long did the cake that Grandma Johnson make last on the plastic grocery cart! Happy 2
nd birthday Sarah!

Timothy and Daddy

The airplane rides have been around as long as we have had kids!

Happy Birthday, Matthew and Daddy

Daddy was threatening to dump Timothy in the totter. Daddy was mowing the yards for the first time since his return home from 6 months in Alaska, needless to say the kids were thrilled to have him back home!

Christmas morning, dad hadn't even had a chance to get dressed.........at least I don't think he wore long johns in the public............what's with the shirt and tie? Must have been a gift. The merry-go-round was short lived, all of the kids threw-up after dad gave them a spin!!!!

Vacation in Alaska, Grandpa
Warta is driving the Motor Home, while Sarah and Dad chat.

All too familiar "Open House" at school. Sarah was in Mrs.
McBrides class.

Our trip to Alaska, sitting by the glaciers with Matthew. He was 3yrs. old.

Our annual Adult Sunday School trip to Tahoe. (we were called the young married class!)
So many fun memories!

Matthew got to take the first ride in Dad's brand new truck!! (note the new license plates) I remember that Matt was the first to get ready on time so he won the privilege to go to church early with dad! Dad had just brought the truck home the night before, all the kids were already in bed.

The Dance, with Ashlie................little did we know

that it would look like this 21 yrs. later!
Her laugh was always contagious, and daddy loved every moment of it!

Who put who to sleep?
Katelynne or daddy?

A family trip to Bodega Bay in 1994. Daddy and
Katelynne building a Sand Castle.

Ashlie and daddy while on a picnic at the park.

Daddy and his baby girls.............this was fathers day!

Getting ready for the "guys" camp out! They often went with Steve
Finaly and Joe Lee, great stories when they came home!

Cody and Daddy on a hayride at the Pumpkin Farm.

Brian, Cody and Dad fishing at the Cabin.

Cody and Dad making a tree fort in the back yard.

Daddy helping Ashlie eat after she broke her femur.

Daddy turns into Papa.............Papa and Hailey on the beach in Long Beach, Calif.

Loren, your the Best, Husband, Dad and Papa a family could have!
Happy Fathers Day,
I luv U, Me
I remember that merry go round. That was a lot fun.
What a fun time of reflecting the past and the present. Dad, you truly are the most deserving fathers to be honored on this Father's Day. Your steadfast Godly example has influenced and molded Brian into the wonderful father and husband that he is today. I am so very thankful to you for giving me a man like Brian.
Happy Father's Day!
Wow! Loved the progression of Dad's hair over the years!
This post was very emotional for Tim that it brought both tears and laughter. His exact words, "I remember all that like it was yesterday." Those old pictures are great and so priceless. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I only hope that my children will one day look back at our family pictures with as much love and admiration as Tim does.
You're an amazing role model for our family unit. Thank you for being the strong man that you are and for modeling a Godly father for my husband. We love you big!
Love the new family photo! Thank you for taking the time to post all the pictures and memories that went along with them. How neat! I showed Mya the pictures of when daddy was little, and she said, "Oohhh, how cute!" Great job! What a special man he is. What a great example he has set to all who know him. I keep reading it, and I will also add, I am so greatful for the husband I have, because of the father he had. Thank you, Dad, for the model you have set. You are always there, and we know that. It means the world to us!~Jaime
Was Loren's hair really that long when Brian was a baby? I'd forgotten about that. You must spend hours going through all your pictures for the layout. Now the kids appreciate all those tedious photo shoots don't they! Great pictures.
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