Joe went to a Pastor's conference and I was able to go spend some time with Sarah & Zeke. I was so excited when he was glad to see me when I first got there. Thanks to Southwest I am no longer a stranger to this little guy!

Sharing some time on Nana's bed

The STICKER boy!

Love the smiles!

O.K. Zeke.............and the peas too!

Mommy trying to convince Zeke that it would be a good thing to wear his rain coat outside..........mommy lost, Zeke had other ideas! I love being the Nana and NOT the parent!

Those ANGRY eyes!

Bath time!

Look Nana, I can put my own puzzle together.....................

aren't you proud?
I love seeing Sarah in the picture with Zeke. Often times us moms are behind the camera. (Oh Sarah, I so remember these months with Keagan. Cherish them. Zeke will be in school before you know it.) I just can't get enough of his smile. Thanks mom for bringing Zeke closer to our door.
I thought of you yesterday when I put Paxton in the little pajamas that you bought for Pierce! I hope everything is going well and that you are loving your job :)
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