December was a busy month......
here is a quick look at the highlights!
On Monday Dec. 1st, Katelynne and mom headed home from the east coast. We had 2 hrs. sleep in a 24hr. time period. One of our layovers was in Chicago where the plane was delayed due to DE-icing. The feeling of Christmas was everywhere! We were both glad to be going home!
Chicago Midway Airport is known among the flight attendants and pilots for their popcorn and Pot Belly sub sandwiches. Mom had fun introducing these places to Katelynne on their trip home.
Of course we had to celebrate Katelynne's 19th birthday!!!
Cody was my hero......he had the Christmas tree up, waiting to be decorated when we arrived home! Most of the house decorations were also up and he and Dad hung the outdoor Christmas was a great homecoming!

Cody had a part in the FCS production of Charles Dickens......he did a great job

Charles Dickens, Cody's first high school production.
Of course us girls had to go shopping together....
then there was all of the baking..........
we had fun having Ashlie over while Matt had to study for school.
Ashlie makes the perfect sugar cookies!
gotta make those Gingerbread cookies,
sorry Matt W. we know how they were always your favorite, wish you were home!
Auntie Kate and Hailey, enjoying a moment together
trying to get a family picture...........
it took this...........
to get this!
watching u-tube, it really was funny!
Christmas vacation comes to an end as Katelynne has a get-to-gather with friends before heading back to college!
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