We spent Easter Sunday @ Brian & Angela's this year. It was a wonderful day, very relaxing!
Baby Claire......looking adorable!

A tradition was started several years ago with Hailey, we continue to this day. One day during Easter break the grandkids come over to Grammama's house and we color eggs. This year we were dissappointed that Landon was very sick and could not come. We also missed Mya, Zeke & Emily, because they live backEast now. WE MISSED YOU GUYS!

Aunti Ashlie & Uncle Cody helped, Auntie Katie was in Mexico

Wala......beautiful eggs!!!

Bethany loves her baby cousin Claire!

Just a girl moment!
Looks like you had a lot of fun. We wish we could've been there. Love ya.
Great pictures Mom! We had such a good time.
Can't believe how time flies! Looking at the little ones is like a mirror of how I remember your first bunch! You have a good looking crew! Fun memories!
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