September was a fun month for Loren and I...............after almost a year with Southwest Loren and I were able to travel together to New York to visit with Matt, Jaime, Mya and Emily! It's the first time I was able to travel with Loren when I was not working, so needless to say it was enjoyable!
This picture was taken as we were flying into LAX airport.
If you look really close you can still see the "Hollywood" sign.
Love this really gives you a good view of Southern California! The small mountain range you see to the left is Hollywood, the tall buildings are Los Angeles Pretty awesome!
Papa reading to two very excited little girls before going to bed!
Nana and Emily are quite the buddies!
Visiting Mr. Ralph the next door neighbor.............he's 88 yrs old and as you can see, still going strong! He was pouring cement when we got there!
Visiting with Mr. Ralph and Coletta...........the next door neighbors.
Ralph and Coletta's house.
Feeding the fish in Mr. Ralph's pond
Emily was helping Coletta water her plants.
Matt & Jaime's house

I've never seen "mixed corn" before..........we bought it at the store for tasted great!
Emily looooooves corn!
Papa's bunny loved to play with the girls..............they loved it too!
Helping Emily count.
Emily and Nana played while.......................
Papa and Mya shot the Bow & Arrow.
Mya and Emily showed Papa and Nana their favorite hiding place..............a large pine tree that had branches all the way to the ground with a small opening to go inside. Jaime said the girls love to play in it! Can you imagine it in the winter with snow all around..............a perfect igloo!!
A glance at Matt & Jaime's house from the back of their property.
Getting a tour of the 3 acres.
Matt reminded me sooooooo much of my dad while we were there! He would show us all of the tree's he was nurturing...............wanting to move some to different much like my dad!
Getting ready to take pictures.
Momma's little helper.
A perfect picture!
O.K. all done, give yourself a hand Emily!
I love this one!
Nice........won't tell you how many pictures it took to get it though!
The girls kept us in stitches!
Finally got the picture!

Loved the tri-pod!
Great Picture!
Matt, Jaime, Mr. Ralph and Coletta
Let's play Basketball!
I love those laugh's!!!

This house belongs to Pat, Mr. Ralph and Coletta's daughter. The house is over a 100 years old. Pat had us over for dessert and we had fun touring this adorable home!
Pat let the girls pick a flower from her garden!
This is the outside of their barn!
Yummy Ice Cream Cake, made especially for us!
Mrs. Pat even had special cookies for Mya & Emily!
Can you believe that Mr Ralph hand carved this horse for his grandson! It was amazing!
The kitchen
Time for a walk...............
We found a corn field on our walk............Mya couldn't wait to go through it!
Emily on Matt's shoulders and Mya on Papa's! They thought it was soooo funny!
Poor Emily...............she loves corn sooooo much....she thought that we could cook it for her. Too bad it was field corn for cattle!
Thanks Matt, Jaime, Mya and Emily for a wonderful visit!
Thanks Matt, Jaime, Mya and Emily for a wonderful visit!
We're already looking forward to our next.