It's hard to believe that it's been 34 years ago today that Loren and I , age 20 & 18 walked down the isle and started our journey as "Husband and Wife". We had no idea the twist and turns that our lives would be taking......no idea, we would be blessed with 7 beautiful children and blessed even more with 8 adorable grandchildren, not forgetting to mention our wonderful son's in-law's and daughter's in-law's.....no idea, that "valley's" could be so low and the "mountain tops" so high.......no idea, that we could possibly love each other more today than on that night, 34 years ago........no idea, how quickly our child bearing days would pass......no idea, what it would feel like to soon be looking at days and nights with all of our children living on their own......no idea, that as we entered our 50's, we would still feel like we were 20 & 18 (in our minds, not our body's!).....no idea, how much closer our "walk and faith" in our God would be.......no idea, what a truly "wonderful life" we would be blessed with!