Thursday, January 17, 2008

Visiting Ron At The Hospital In San Francisco

Loren and I are blessed to have a very special friendship with friends Ron & Mary McBride. We have one of those friendships that enjoys dinner out and can laugh over the simplest things that life sends our way. Ron had his second kidney transplant in Dec. '07. He recently was admitted to the hospital in S.F. for what turned out to be kidney stones. We are all so grateful that it was something that could be treated and allow him to go home in just a few days. Since I had Ready Reserves in Oakland I was able to go visit them at the hospital a few times.
Mary showed me this site out of a window on the way to Ron's room.

You couldn't have a better view even if it were a hotel!

Mary & I have been friends for almost 20 yrs. now.

Ron and Mary celebrated their wedding anniversary while they were there, so.........
the Dr. had them moved to a suite, where famous people were allowed to stay.
Happy Anniversary, Ron and Mary

Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas is over, now it's time for a wedding!

Some of us girls took Ashlie to a Bridal Fair in Sacramento today. Lot's of fun, and crowds too! Made another trip by the Bridal Store to pick-up our bridesmaids dresses. We couldn't resist a picture of the flower girls shoes. The flower girls will of course be Mya & Bethany with Landon in the middle as ring barrier. Can't wait to see what the threesome will do! Ashlie never resits a opportunity to wear her veil! I love the laughter!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Katelynne and long time boyfriend Wes attended her Senior Christmas Banquet. Hard to believe this is the last of my girls attending this fun event. Every year we enjoy dress shopping and all of the girl things that go along with it. We're not completely finished yet.....Cody starts going next year!

Keagan wanted a Red Rider BB Gun very badly for Christmas. He made the fatal mistake of telling Uncle Cody that the package under our tree for him was his BB Gun. So grandpa decided to play a little trick. When the guys all went on their annual camping trip, grandpa discovered that Keagan loved lady finger pickles. Grandpa jokingly told Keagan he was going to have to get some for him for Christmas. Well........we searched high & low for a box that resembled the BB Gun wrapped it with the same paper put the pickles in it and hid the original BB Gun. Was Keagan ever surprised, disappointed and almost in tears all at the same time! We open gifts one by one by age, we didn't give him the real gift until his turn came around again. I don't think he'll ever forget this Christmas!!

Matt, Jaime, Mya and Emily were with us from New York via phone. Here is Landon talking to cousin Mya!

The last of Dec. pictures

Here is the last of December's pictures. It was quite a month and we enjoyed spending time with the family. Here are some of the highlights. Next blog will bring us up to date with the January events. Still working on my New Year's letter.......hang in there with me! I have a interview with Southwest Airlines on Wed., Jan. 16th. Please remember me in your prayers!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Papa And His Angel

Papa and Newborn Emily
Nana enjoying the fresh fallen snow in Buffalo, New York cuddling baby Emily.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

December at a Glance

What a busy month! Loren & I were able to spend a week in New York visiting Matt & his family. We meet our precious new granddaughter, Emily. Two days before we left it started snowing, we had 2 ft. before it was over. It was absolutely beautiful!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!

For those of you who have checked our blog only to find it incomplete, sorry! Joe, Sarah & Zeke have spent the weekend with us due to the "Massive Storm" and all of the power outages. We've had fun in the mist of the craziness. Sarah is going to help me finish my blog. My hope is that I will be able to keep family and friends updated better through this fun resource! I also hope to finish my Christmas (now, New Year) family letter this week.
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