Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Warta's Christmas

Nana & Claire prepare dinner.
Another year at the "kids" table!
Papa always reads the Bible before opening gifts.
Papa, Nana and the California grandkids.
Landon and Uncle Cody, jamming.
Bethany talking to cousin Mya in New York......... girl talk!

Auntie Kate gets a hug! We're sooooo glad to have her home from college for a few weeks!
The newlyweds first Christmas as husband & wife!
Our little Claire "Bear" gets a real "Care Bear"
Is it time to open?
Papa gives another grandson his first Bow & Arrow, watch out neighbors!
..........and Bethany loved her new baby doll!
Keagan made Uncle Matt some special flies for fly fishing!! Great job Keagan!

Ahh, the surprise of the night! Nana was so excited to give Hailey her American Girl doll "Mia"! Thank you Uncle Matt & Auntie Ashlie for helping to buy it on e-bay!

Hailey & Mia
Mia came with a story book, Hailey couldn't wait to read it.
A father/son father, like son!!
Claire showing Auntie Ashlie her new walk!
Boys will be boys!
The Guitar Hero game was a Big hit! Thanks Uncle Matt & Auntie Jaime!

Getting our coats on for our Christmas Eve Service @ River Valley Community Church.
Auntie Kate enjoys a photo book on Christmas day. A much calmer day!
O.K., time for Papa & Nana to have some fun!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Manger Scene

Those of you who have been following the battle between Christmas verses Thanksgiving, East Coast challenging West Coast be sure to check out the Manger Scene on Matt & Jaime's can find their link on the right side of our blog under friends and family.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, from the East Coast!

This year I had to work the day after Thanksgiving soooo, I had dinner with the kids on the East Coast and Loren had dinner with the West Coast kids! Who would have ever thought! Glad we could all be together in a funny sort of way! God cares even about the little things! It has been a year full of many blessings!
The East Coaster's had deep fried turkey..................ummmmm

It was great!

Preparing for a early dinner.

A little Christmas china!

The girls were quite hungry!

Loved the smiles!

Emily couldn't wait!

After lunch Nana had to head back to Baltimore to go to work in the morning.............

but she'll be back on Sunday!

Matt, Jaime, Mya & Emily in Buffalo, New York

Shopping for Christmas gifts...........

It was freezing cold, Emily's cheeks were always rosie!

A stop at McDonalds

The truck was full.....time to go home!

A little on the tired side.

I loved her laugh!

"Polar Express" in 3-D and popcorn..........

Nana loved the movie too!

Snuggle time.........

After bath time..........matching p.j.'s

Emily loved the stairs.......................

and the pots & pans

Mya loved her Cinderella doll.

Mya had to show Nana how to turn on the t.v. while mom & dad were gone!

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